Ni hittar mig här nu
.....2010-10-18 @ 17:52:48

Fick hem mina Dermalogica produkter idag. Köpte ett testkitt till en början! Har redan testat det och mitt ansikte känns leeeeeent som en bebisrumpa.
Har tidigare använt Cliniques tre stegs serie men gillar den inte längre...
.....2010-10-18 @ 16:31:24
Black & Red

Förra veckan var jag hos frisören och färgade håret mörkbrunt och jag har redan tröttnat.
Jag byter hårfärg lika ofta som sockar, typ. Och 570 kr ryker varje gång hmm sweeeeet!
.....2010-10-11 @ 22:07:07
Fin låt 1
- I'm having trouble breathing you're sitting on my chest I sure could use the rest, leave me
Fin låt 2
- Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken all my scars are open tell them what I hoped would be, impossible
Fin låt 3
- Pokazi mi sta znas da jos si najbolja kad me osvajas da jos si najlepsa kad se doteras da jos si najludja kada mi usne das
Fin låt 4
- Talk to me softly there's something in your eyes don't hang your head in sorrow and please don't cry
Fin låt 5
- Ti si bila kao dom za ovu dušu nemirnu još te uvijek nosim tu gdje najviše boli
Fin låt 6
- You are so yesterday I won’t let you rain on my parade don’t wanna hear a thing you say, so yesterday
Fin låt 7
- Pictures of you, pictures of me remind us all of what we used to be
Fin låt 8
- A ti to opet budi ti, zauvek ostani moj najbolji
Fin låt 9
- Nisi bivsi dok u meni ima te
Fin låt 10
- Yesterday he said my eyes were fading fast away I said well what do you expect you asked me not to stay and if it had all been for the best I wouldn't feel this way
- I'm having trouble breathing you're sitting on my chest I sure could use the rest, leave me
Fin låt 2
- Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken all my scars are open tell them what I hoped would be, impossible
Fin låt 3
- Pokazi mi sta znas da jos si najbolja kad me osvajas da jos si najlepsa kad se doteras da jos si najludja kada mi usne das
Fin låt 4
- Talk to me softly there's something in your eyes don't hang your head in sorrow and please don't cry
Fin låt 5
- Ti si bila kao dom za ovu dušu nemirnu još te uvijek nosim tu gdje najviše boli
Fin låt 6
- You are so yesterday I won’t let you rain on my parade don’t wanna hear a thing you say, so yesterday
Fin låt 7
- Pictures of you, pictures of me remind us all of what we used to be
Fin låt 8
- A ti to opet budi ti, zauvek ostani moj najbolji
Fin låt 9
- Nisi bivsi dok u meni ima te
Fin låt 10
- Yesterday he said my eyes were fading fast away I said well what do you expect you asked me not to stay and if it had all been for the best I wouldn't feel this way
.....2010-10-11 @ 21:06:21

.....2010-10-11 @ 20:52:39
Pretty pretty, pretty in black
.....2010-09-10 @ 15:00:34
I can’t keep drowning for you

I spent months trying to recover, trying desperately to recover. At first, falling in love with you, it felt like I was drowning, but the water was warm so it almost felt luxurious, enjoyable, like moving through warm honey. But then, you left, and it was like the water turned to ice and lungs started to jam up and I couldn't breathe. I was struggling, kicking, failing to get to the top, because my heart felt dead. My limbs felt frozen in place, and I have no clue how I reached the surface. But I did, and the first breath I took was so painful, and the second, and the third. Eventually, I could hold myself up but I was still shivering for a while, even after I dragged myself out of that water. I spent 6 months, trying desperately to pull myself up, I was frozen all over.
.....2010-09-10 @ 00:45:37
Falling In Love
.....2010-09-10 @ 00:41:10

.....2010-02-26 @ 16:45:13

Zasto se skrivas sramezljivo,u svojoj masti preljepoj.
Sjecam se da sam znao voljeti, sjecam se.
.....2010-02-25 @ 16:07:49
This guy

I met a boy and fell for him fast. We moved fast. Everything was such a rush, everything was perfect, we were so obsessed with each other. He would tell me I was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He would say “you're amazing” every hour. Except when he said it, it wasn’t just a line, it was the truth. The truth in his eyes. But I had to leave, and I knew I couldn’t do long distance. I have too ,any whims, I’m not good at being alone, I would have strayed. So I just cut off all contact, said cruel and hurtful things, pushed him away on purpose, alienated him so that he would leave me alone. Because it hurt too much to be friends, I thought it would be better to have no contact.
I was wrong. It was the stupidest decision of my life, because I find that not knowing someone well, can make you never get over them. The truth is, I don’t know him that well. What we had was short, it was over before I had a chance to see whether we were really good together, whether he was right for me. So all this time, even while I’ve had relationships with so many other guys, I always compare the new boys to one boy who I barely even knew, and they all fall short. Because his memory is so perfect, it’s so indestructible because it’s unfinished. I didn’t have time to discover his flaws, the little quirks that annoy, the arguments that break a couple a part. I didn’t give him a chance to show me that side of himself. All I have are the memories of that new, excited feeling. Of butterflies every time his fingers brushed my arm, of electric sparks every time we kissed, because it was so new, and unexpected and amazing. I have idealized this boy to the point where he is perfect in my eyes, and because of that, I can’t be satisfied with anyone else. But I can’t go back to him either, I cut off all ties, made it clear I never wanted to talk to him. He doesn’t know I think about him every day. He probably thinks he was completely insignificant, because I lied, and told him that he was. I swore I couldn’t care less. He has no idea. And I have no idea what it would be like to really be with him, have a real relationship with him, and I have to live with the fact that it is completely my fault. For being so proud, and so presumptuous to think I would get over him in two minutes. I never thought I’d hold on this long, to a ghost of a person. To an illusion of a person, that isn’t very likely a true reflection of him anyway.
And my advice to anyone reading this is, don’t let opportunities pass you by. Don’t dismiss people without thinking about how you may feel later. Don’t end something great, just because you think it would be too inconvenient to your life to let it continue. The truth is, everyone needs closure. Even if you do try something, and it’s difficult, and it ends, at least you know you tried. At least you know it was really the right decision to end it. You tried, and you failed. That’s okay, that’s something you’ll get over. But wondering, always wondering how it would have went if you had just let it happen, that’s torture. It’s the “what ifs” that keep me up at night. And the fact that he was strong enough to want me, to want to put up a fight for me, and I wasn’t strong enough to fight for him. And for the way I feel now, I have only myself to blame.
.....2010-02-22 @ 21:24:47
My love
I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better..
.....2010-02-21 @ 13:46:52

That night, I cried. I cried for two weeks. I couldn’t believe what I had done to him. My best friend who I loved. Hadn’t I hurt him enough already? I was playing with his feelings like it was just another game. I was supposed to be that person he always could count on. And now, I had destroyed him. Since that night, I haven’t talked to him. It was six months ago. And since that night, a huge part of my life is missing. Just because I wanted something easy.
.....2010-02-16 @ 13:02:49
Help my new high heels smells adorable..

.....2010-02-11 @ 18:37:21
Dva svijeta
Vec dugo nema od tebe
ni slova ni rijeci
al nisam ni ja
nista bolji, priznajem
Duboka rana je to
da vrijeme je lijeci
za nju mi jos jedan
zivot nedostaje
Samo da znas da
nikad mi nece bit svejedno
zadrhtim svaki put
kad neko za tebe pita
nekad' smo bili kao jedno
a sad smo dva svijeta razlicita
Sta se to desilo s nama
nikad' rekla mi nisi
pred zidom sutnje jos stojim
i zivim s tim
Moramo dalje ovako
jer meni ti si
previse znacila nekad
da sad' oprostim
Cuvam u sebi jos sretne dane
golubice, vjetar, nas nasmijane
krupne zaboravljam stvari
pamtim sitnice
i tvoje lice
ni slova ni rijeci
al nisam ni ja
nista bolji, priznajem
Duboka rana je to
da vrijeme je lijeci
za nju mi jos jedan
zivot nedostaje
Samo da znas da
nikad mi nece bit svejedno
zadrhtim svaki put
kad neko za tebe pita
nekad' smo bili kao jedno
a sad smo dva svijeta razlicita
Sta se to desilo s nama
nikad' rekla mi nisi
pred zidom sutnje jos stojim
i zivim s tim
Moramo dalje ovako
jer meni ti si
previse znacila nekad
da sad' oprostim
Cuvam u sebi jos sretne dane
golubice, vjetar, nas nasmijane
krupne zaboravljam stvari
pamtim sitnice
i tvoje lice